Category Archives: Society

Green Living 101 – Top Five Ways to Balance Ecology & Economy

Green living is one of the best ways to lead a life that has a good balance of both ecology and economy. Contrary to popular beliefs, living green does not have to compromise your comfort or convenience. Green living is fairly straightforward once you figure out the ins and outs of living a green life. Here are the 5 easy tips that can get you started on living a green life: read more

Five Tips For Finding Online Friends and Penpals

According to Google’s popular AdWords Keyword Tool, over a million people around the world each month search the terms “online friends” or “penpals.” This doesn’t even include all other variations of similar search queries, or other languages besides English. What is so attractive about meeting strangers on the internet? read more

Why Do Most Couples Fight?

Couples fight, and it’s not unusual, or a death sentence for the relationship, when they do. But knowing is half the battle, and recognizing certain behaviors – or being aware of common triggers – can help alleviate the trauma when they inevitably occur. Here are some of the common reasons most couples fight: read more

Most Popular Reasons Why People Get Divorced

Divorce is a big problem for American couples. According to data reported by, first time married couples divorce at a rate of 41%, while second marriages end at a rate of 60%. Those numbers sound scary to many couples considering marriage or who have just tied the knot. However, it is important to realize random forces don’t simply cause nearly half of all marriages to fail. Rather, couples divorce for very specific and common reasons,(and not always the reasons you might think). Below are 8 of the most common reasons for divorce as well as advice for how you can protect your marriage from a similar fate. read more